How to choose a sleeping bag that complies with European standards? | The official BEMINI website

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Sleeping bags must comply with the European standard EN 16781, which aims to minimise the main possible risks
in an unsupervised sleeping environment.

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Tested and controlled, all Magic Bag models meet the safety requirements imposed by the EN 16781 standard.
Thanks to Magic Bag, your baby will sleep peacefully and safely, giving you a peaceful night's sleep.

Discover our 9 points short guide :

1 .   C H O O S I N G   T H E   R I G H T   S I Z E

It is essential to choose a sleeping bag that is adapted to your baby's stature. Not too big, not too small!

If it is too big, baby could slip through the neckline, which is too wide for his stature, without being held in place by the armholes.
His or her face could therefore be caught under the material and prevent him or her from breathing properly.
The child's head should not be able to pass through the neckline when the sleeping bag is closed.
If it is too small, baby will be uncomfortable and restricted in his movements, he will sleep badly... and so will you...

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Sizes of sleeping bags should follow a specific measurement chart. A gradual, staggered gradation is recommended. Too great a difference in stature will not meet the size requirements.
For example, a sleeping bag that is labelled 6-36 months will not meet the measurement chart. The dimensions of the neck and armholes are not at all the same for a size 6 months and 36 months!

All Magic Bag® models are equipped with ingenious features adapted to the needs of baby's development that meet the requirements of the standard.

What size fits my baby?

0 - 1 m
Baby's Stature :
45 > 55 cm.
Total Bag height : 50 cm

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Built-in mittens.
The double slider zip allows almost total opening from both sides.
Practical and useful for changing baby.

1 - 4 m
Baby's Stature :
50 > 70 cm.
Total Bag height : 60 cm

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Built-in mittens.
Opening for the safety belt.
The double slider zip allows almost total opening from both sides.
Practical and useful for changing baby.

4 - 12 m
Baby's Stature :
60 > 80 cm.
Total Bag height : 70 cm

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Removable sleeves.
Full height side zip opening.
Modular zip system: allows to separate the legs.
Foot opening with folding flap.

12 - 24 m
Baby's Stature :
75 > 100 cm.
Total bag height : 85 cm

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Removable sleeves.
Front zip opening.
Elasticated waist.
Modular zip system: allows to separate the legs.
Foot opening with folding flap.

24 - 36 m
Stature du bébé :
95 > 115 cm.
Hauteur totale : 100 cm

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Removable sleeves.
Front zip opening.
Elasticated waist.
Modular zip system: allows to separate the legs.
Foot opening with folding flap.

2 .  P R E F E R   M E T A L   S N A P S

To prevent the detachment of small parts that can cause serious injury by aspiration, choking or ingestion:
Zips must meet the pull and strength tests required by the standard.
Press studs must be tested for tear strength and resistance to washout.
Of course, all our zipper systems are inspected and tested for compliance.

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● The zip should be opened from bottom to top so that the stops are as far away from the neckline or armhole as possible.
● Only metal snaps and zips may be used to close the neckline or armhole.
● In order to avoid direct contact with the skin, a fabric protection must cover the zip at the neck and underarm.
● Plastic covered snaps, wooden or mother-of-pearl buttons and fabric covered buttons are excluded.

3 .  A V O I D   C A P S   P O C K E T S   A N D   O R N A M E N T

To avoid any risk of choking, suffocation or thermal hazards, sleeping bags may not have :

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● Hoods or headgear that could lead to excess heat as the head is a major vector of body temperature regulation.
● Pockets which may provide a means of introducing small objects.
● Thick seams or hard objects on the back that could put pressure on baby's very soft bones and cause damage.
● Three-dimensional ornaments such as tassels, beads, sequins, cords, ...
● Plastic transfers that can cover both the mouth and the nose with dimensions larger than 10/10 cm.

.   B A N I S H   L I C K S   A N D   T I E S

Since baby is unattended for a long period of time while sleeping, open-ended cords are not allowed.

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No cords, drawstrings or devices designed to reduce the height of or attach the sleeping bag to the crib can be attached to the sleeping bag.
Due to their length, some cords could wrap around the baby's neck.
The risk of strangulation is also covered by the label length limitation.

5 .  C H E C K   T H E   S I Z E  A N D   P L A C E M E N T    O F   L A B E L S

No tags or hard ties may be sewn in the shape of a loop or so as to form a loop.

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Nor outside or inside unless located in the upper back.
Finger or toe entrapment hazards can get caught in the loops and restrict blood flow.
Tags must have a free end and cannot be longer than 7.5 cm.
Heat-sealed or laser-cut tags must not have any sharp edges.

6 .   C H E C K   T H E   T O G   C O N T R O L

All qualities and combinations of materials must be tested in the laboratory to determine their thermal resistance.
The TOG (Thermal Overall Grade) is the value that determines the warmth of a sleeping bag, determined by the ambient temperature of the room.
The higher the TOG, the warmer the sleeping bag. Please note that the TOG value must not exceed 4.

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This heat index is very important in understanding how to dress baby for the night. Sensitive to temperature variations, baby does not yet have a mature system that allows him to regulate his temperature to keep it constant. Depending on the temperature in his room, choose a sleeping bag according to his TOG and adapt the clothes to be worn under the Magic Bag.
This will help you to prevent your baby from suffering from hypothermia or hyperthermia. All the TOG values of our sleeping bags are established and tested in a laboratory.

7 .   G I V E   P R I O R I T Y   T O   oeko-teX  L A B E L

In order to ensure a high level of protection of children from the risks of chemicals in textile articles, the use of harmful substances, such as CMRs (carcinogens, mutagens and reprotoxins) and allergenic substances, such as certain heavy metals, must be risk-analysed to ensure that the product does not contain any harmful substances.
As well as formaldehyde, which is known to cause allergic skin reactions.


The OEKO-TEX® certificate certifies that textile products are free from harmful substances that are toxic to health.
All our products are certified according to the most stringent European standards guaranteeing the absence of substances that are harmful to the body and the environment.

8 .   C H O O S E   F O R   H E A L T H Y   Q U A L I T I E S

Sleeping bags must be washable, excluding the dry cleaning process.
Products filled with feathers and/or down are allowed but are subject to strict hygiene requirements to control the risk of transmission of viruses such as H1N1 avian flu.
All recycled fibres used as fillings must be heat treated to be disinfected before use.

9 .   A   S H O R T   L O O K   A T   T H E   R E Q U I R E D   L A B E L L I N G

The following markings must be permanently affixed to the sleeping bag:

1. The identity and contact details of the producer.
2. The product batch.
3. The stature of the baby.
4. Care instructions and Oekotex certification.
5. Thermal resistance declaration, TOG.
6. WARNING! "Keep away from fire".


The ISO700-1641 figure can be affixed to the label to indicate to the consumer to consult the instructions for use of the product.

Plastic packaging must be marked with :

"Keep the plastic packaging out of the reach of children to avoid the risk of suffocation.

The following purchasing information must be provided either on product labels by the point of sale, on the Internet or in a catalogue.

1. Recommendations on which sleeping bag to choose, taking into account the temperature of the room and the child's sleepwear.
2. Information on the stature of the children and possibly the age for which the sleeping bag is intended.
3. The declaration of thermal resistance.
4. Washing instructions including the statement "do not dry clean".
5. Wash the sleeping bag before first use.
6. Preceded by the word WARNING! :
"Keep away from fire.
"Do not use if the child's head can pass through the neckline once it is fastened
"Make sure that the neck and armholes are properly fastened
"Do not use if the child can climb in and out of the carrycot
"Do not use in combination with a carry cot duvet or blanket. Take into account the temperature of the cot and the child's sleepwear. Excessive heat can be life threatening for your child!
"Do not use at the first sign of damage".

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You can sleep with your eyes closed ... Bemini takes care of everything!
All our Magic Bag models are tested and inspected, and meet the safety requirements imposed by the EN 16781 standard.

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The TOG index will help you to choose the ideal material and model of sleeping bag.
The TOG (Thermal Overall Grade) is the thermal resistance of the material, determined by the ambient temperature of the room. 

Discover our tips for choosing the ideal TOG >

To provide on-trend essential articles that satisfy both baby's need and yout requierements.
Nothing superfluous. No unnecessary gadgets.

Our Oeko-Tex guarantee

All our products are certified as compliant with the strictest European standards, guaranteeing freedom from substances that are toxic for humans and harmful to the environment.

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Our packaging

We are eliminating as much plastic over-packaging as possible by using ecological and recyclable paper bags.

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Our commitment

Conscious of our social responsibility, production in a nearby partner factory guarantees equity and transparency, offering employees decent wages and working conditions that respect the safety and dignity of workers.


For more than 20 years, Bemini has been offering a quality range of trendy essentials that meet baby's needs and parents' requirements.
Our unique savoir-faire is backed by tight control of all stages of design, manufacture and distribution.

It is a privilege to share this uniquely happy experience with you.